Being trapped in a care facility is no fun. There are fun things you can do but sometimes you just get cabin fever and you need to go out into the world. Leaving the facility is always a big deal and a major undertaking. We have to pay a transport company big bucks plus we are on their schedule which is mon. - fri. 8 to 5. What kind of fun can you have during those hours? Given these restrictions, outings are few and far between. But they do happen here is a list of all the non-medical related outings.
1. BYU Art Museum (Carl Bloch)
2. Movie (Source Code)
4. Movie (The Muppet Movie)
5. Bridal Veil Falls
6. Thanks Giving Point (the gardens)
Good times, but this is not true freedom just planned outings.
Sometimes the simplest thing can change your life ......
The other day I invited my sister and her husband over for a double date to add some interest into our mundane lives. My sister is always up for a good time and always brings the fun even if you are limited to a nursing home. We found a day that worked and then she said. "I think we should see if we can get Mike into your car I think with Stevens help (her husband) we could do it". This simple phrase got me thinking and imagining. I never thought of putting Mike into my car mainly because Mike is so big I didn't think he could squeeze in there with his limited movement, plus he is so big it would take a large person to try to maneuver him. I didn't dare imagine it could work but I was definitely up for trying it.
Soon the day arrived and I tried to contain my excitement for what we were about to try. I let Mike know what we were thinking of doing and he seemed a little apprehensive (I don't blame him). We practiced by moving him from his bed to his wheel chair with just man power. It worked smoothly and we decided not to waste our energy with more practicing and went straight for the car. It wasn't hard getting his bottom from his wheelchair to the car seat but my fears where confirmed when we tried to maneuver his legs into the car they were too long and unbendy. For a nano-second we thought of giving up but we had come too far we had to make this work. We did some more maneuvering (more explanation can be given upon request) and soon Michael was sitting in the passenger seat of my car. We had to leave his seat reclined a bit because it put strain on his long legs with it up right but he could see just fine.
Then we did something we hadn't done in more than three years, we went for a simple joy ride. We held hands as I drove up Provo canyon, we just drove and looked at the scenery. It seems so simple but it wasn't monumental for Michael and I. To be honest it made me cry. Michael was so happy and so was I we were on a high for the next three days.
Here we are on our joy ride, believe me it won't be our last.

Lauri told me about that -- what a great idea! I'm surprised and excited you were able to get him in the car! Are you guys going to be zipping around the state every weekend now?