Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Part III

(October 2012)

Although Mike and I were dating during the Halloween season before his accident, I was out of the country at the time. (I left Mike to fend for himself while my friend and I went on an epic trip to Costa Rica).  So I never really learned what kind of a Halloween person Mike is, unfortunately for him I'm in charge now (insert evil laugh here bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha).  Our first Halloween I wasn't about to ignore it.  We have so little variety in our lives so I decided we needed to dress up.  Mikes mom was in town so I forced her to join us. I was Little Red Ridding Hood, Mike was a tough Biker, and Lauri was a Cowgirl (she kept her costume on long enough to take this picture).  Mike loved putting on his chaps and feeling more normal.  We had the CNAs and nurses come trick-or-treating and they loved Mikes costume.

The next year (2011) I felt like we needed to have a little more fun than we did the year before so we had a dance party.  My sister Katie helped me and we invite some friends over to partay.  I felt like we needed a "couples costume" so I found what I thought was a perfect costume.....Nerds.  When Mike saw what I was about to make him wear he gave me this "don't you dare look".  I made me laugh but it didn't stop me.  He got over it until his friend showed up in a manly Indian Jones costume. I could tell he was jealous that his friend didn't have pushy fiance, but we did we had a great time. 

This year I felt I owed it to Mike to have a more equal say in our Halloween costume.  I thought about it all year and finally it was Halloween and we still didn't have costumes.  I almost threw in the towel but I couldn't let Mike down.  I work well under pressure, so I figured out what to do and ran to DI to get the needed costume supplies.  My good friend Carey and her husband Robert came by for a scary movie and brought there cute 2 month old son Slate.  They were all dressed as bandits and Slate was the cutest one (no offence Carey).  Luckily we were also dressed in totally awesome costumes so we fit in and Slate was totally impressed and so was Mike.  I can now take back by best fiance title.
So with no further ado I bring to you our costumes from a galaxy far far away.......


1 comment:

  1. costumes get better every year! Love the Star Wars theme!
