(Jan 2013)
Mike and I had the fun experience of spending the week at the hospital (the real hospital). It all started with a trip to the ER and ended four days later when we were allowed to leave. Bellow are pictures from the ER as we were waiting to be admitted. The one of us is kind of blurry which seems to capture how we were feeling. We discovered that Mike had a bowel impaction due to his less than active life style. His stay wasn't pleasant but he is feeling much better now, it's like he is a new man.
Having to go to the ER is always dramatic but it also comes with the added stress of all the horrible memories of when we were there the day of his accident. After leaving the hospital a month after Mikes accident, the thought of ever having to return was more than I could bare. In fact, walking into any hospital cause me extreme anxiety. I guess after a traumatic event something breaks inside of you and takes a while to heal.
I know I can't avoid hospitals for the rest of my life so when I am required to go to one I just take deep breaths and pretend like I'm not a crazy person. But when it comes to Mike having to go to the hospital the stakes are raised considerably. Luckily I have only been back to the hospital twice with Mike, once for pneumonia and this last time. I am getting better at it as time goes on. I can now go to any hospital (besides the one Mike was in) with ease and going to the ER with Mike may be extremely uncomfortable but I handle it better than before.
Hospitals aren't my only phobia sense the accident I also have a phobia of talking to any doctor, seeing Mike's trauma doctors, family meetings, seeing an accident, going to weddings, and unwanted advice. Like my hospital phobia, I do face them head on when I need to and they are getting better. The only one I'm not doing well with is unwanted advice, it's amazing what people will say to you and how it can still affect me. I don't know if this is a phobia or just rude either way I'm not getting over this one so just keep it to yourself.